All-in-One+ Powder for Dogs and Cats


All-in-One is a unique herbal supplement and one of our oldest and most trusted products. It was also one of the first herbal combinations devised by the founder of Denes, Buster Lloyd-Jones. Buster put together the original combination of Seaweed, Parsley, Watercress and Wheat Germ Oil to provide a good source of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. In doing so, he discovered that naturally derived supplements were more readily absorbed and utilized by the body compared to their synthetic counterparts. This was reflected in the health of the animals that he treated.

Since Buster’s time, we have had the opportunity to revise his original combination and bring it up to date, reflecting the greater variety of herbs and plants that we can utilise today. In 2010 we reformulated his mix retaining the original seaweed and adding wheatgrass, barleygrass, spinach and alfalfa leaf. In addition we have improved the product by dispensing with the tablet formulation and using a powder instead which can easily be added to food.

WHY USE All-in-One+ Powder?

A supplement like All-In-One is a useful addition to your pet’s diet. This is particularly so at times of stress, help during illness and convalescence and during pregnancy and growth. The benefits of adding extra vitamins, minerals and trace elements to both natural diets and processed pet foods have long been recognised. Obvious improvements can include a glossier and healthier coat, brighter eyes, an increase in energy level and a better overall state of health. Sometimes, even minor health problems will clear up.

HERBS IN All-in-One+ Powder


Seaweed, or Kelp, is widely used as a herbal supplement. It is particularly good for encouraging the growth of the hair and in improving the condition of the coat. Seaweed is a good source of iodine and, consequently, acts as a tonic for the thyroid gland. Seaweed can also be effective in reducing obesity and help in some cases of joint problems. It also contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B12, C and E, copper, iron, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, silicon, sulphur and zinc. Do not give seaweed to your pet if it has an over-active thyroid gland.


Wheatgrass is derived from wheat plants, which are harvested early in growth when the green plant is only a few inches tall. The harvested plants contain a wide range of vitamins and nearly all of the minerals needed for good health as well as chlorophyll and a range of enzymes. The health benefits are varied and include cleansing the lymphatic system, acting as a blood tonic, mild detoxing action and supporting the liver and kidneys. In particular, chlorophyll has a reputation as a healer and in supporting the immune system.


Barleygrass is a little like wheatgrass and nutritionally is very similar in composition although said to be more balanced in the range of nutrients it contains. The health benefits are broadly similar, but barleygrass can also help with cell repair, blood cleansing, reduce inflammation, improve the condition of the coat and skin and enhance overall vitality.


Familiar to all of us, spinach is a green vegetable superfood with a multitude of health benefits. It is a rich source of minerals, vitamins and phytonutrients beneficial for a number of vital functions. It supports the health of the eyes, nervous system, cardiovascular system (in particular heart muscle), skin, bones and muscles. It is an ideal nutrient for growing puppies and kittens.

Alfalfa Leaf

Alfalfa is Arabic for the “father of plants”, based on its reputation in having extensive roots, which reach deep into the soil, bringing up nutrients from deep below including an extensive range of trace minerals such as calcium, potassium, iron and zinc. It also contains a wide range of vitamins. As a herbal supplement it has a reputation in helping support kidney function, diabetes, joint stiffness, strokes and with supporting the digestive and musculoskeletal systems.

Denes All in One+ Powder is available in pots of 100g

The daily feeding guide is:

Cats, Kittens & Puppies from 2 months 1 level scoop once daily
Toy & Small Dogs 1 level scoop twice daily
Medium Dogs 2 level scoops twice daily
Large Dogs 2.5 level scoops twice daily
Very Large Dogs 3 level scoops twice daily